Fall is the most important time of the year to feed and fertilize your lawn. Your lawn stores its energy in the roots of the grass and in the springtime when your lawn needs to grow, your grass calls on these reserves. In fall, even after the lawn has stopped growing, deep root growth is still occurring and does so for several weeks.

Organic lawn care consists of taking care of lawns without synthetic lawn fertilizer or pesticides. The farmer says using organic lawn fertilizers feeds microbial life into the soil and the micro-biome breaks down and builds up that biomass. In some cases when crabgrass is present, conventional treatments include applying synthetic pre-emergent weedicide every spring in early spring. Organic lawn practices encourage healthy lawns to reduce the number of crabgrasses and to keep the new seed sown.

This premium 5-4-5 organic lawn starter fertilizer does much more than just feed your plants – it feeds the soil too. Soil re-mineralization is an important focus of this product, as the minerals are what truly make this fertilizer different. Minerals replenish the soil with nutrients that are taken away over the course of a season and need to be replaced in order for vitality to return to the soil. Including carbohydrates that provide a quick burst of energy to beneficial bacteria, and the humic acid complex provides a sustainable food source for long-term biological activity. So don’t wait – give your lawn and garden the care they deserve with this one-of-a-kind fertilizer today!

The increase in environmental impacts for homeowners is a result of many choosing chemical-free landscaping to maintain grass and water efficiency. Natural lawns are a natural product that provides vital nutrients and macronutrients to the soil. Some common components include Alfalfa, Cottonseed or Corn Gluten Meals, Rock Phosphate, and Animal Manures.

Organic and conventional lawn fertilizers are safe for lawns and when used properly. Generally, the process by which vegetation absorbs nutrients in the soil is the same whether it comes from organic lawn fertilizer or not.

A higher quality fertilizer that controls the release of nitrogen through temperature, water or microbial activity; a technique that “spoon-feeds” your lawn and prevents growth surges. The fertilizer that I use is a 60% slow-release fertilizer which is high in phosphorous; promoting deep root growth and is of a higher quality.

Quick release fertilizer makes nutrients immediately available to your lawn and is generally of very short duration.

No. If you have a very weedy lawn, it could be 20% weeds. So if you apply weed and feed, 80% is wasted on a healthy lawn. Of the weeds, many are monocots and weed and feed only kills dicots (broadleaf). For herbicides, selective spot spraying is best. Because of kids, pets and the environment, homeowners are becoming more receptive to taking care of their landscapes with a less toxic approach, including organics. You have to set realistic expectations and figure out how to achieve this. Having a healthy, thick, vigorously growing lawn is the best deterrent to prevent weed infestation and crane fly damage.

I like organic fertilizers that are high in mineral content and have been digested by an animal that is not hormone fed.

Yes, but make sure the synthetic lawn fertilizers that you are using are 50% slow release or more and don’t have herbicides, insecticides or fungicides.

Wait 6 weeks after starter fertilizer to apply the regular fertilizer. Go to a nursery and ask for organic lawn fertilizer; or you can buy 50lb bags from me. You should not apply weed & feed to new seedlings.

Weed control cannot be used around new seedlings or the seeds will not germinate.

The grass used in landscaping is generally known as lawns — while grass used in the golf course is called turf. Grass can be defined by definition as the area on which a lawn has developed.

Organic lawn fertilizers are fertilizers derived from natural ingredients, such as animal manure, compost, and rock phosphate, and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals.

Organic lawn fertilizers are generally considered to be safer for the environment and human health than synthetic fertilizers. They can help to improve soil health, promote healthy grass growth, and suppress weeds.

  • The US is the second largest producer and consumer of fertilizer in the world after China, in both categories.
  • The fertilizer manufacturing industry employs 33,000 jobs in the United States.
  • Despite the Pacific Northwest’s rainy reputation, the average annual rainfall is just below 40 inches, which is even less than New York City!
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